#5 „What makes you tick: A Stitch in Time“, „Die Kinder von Rungholt“ und Buddelfisch Comics
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Matthias hat sein neues Spiel „A Stitch in Time“ fast fertig gestellt. Das Demo könnt ihr schon jetzt spielen! Es lohnt sich!
Ein erstes Review zum Demo gibt es bei Jayisgames.com
I was always glad to come back, for the story shines. With a few small details, the game conveys the intrigue, drama, and sadness of the situation Ravenhallow finds itself in. Chat with the fishermen at night and sympathize with their plight. Talk to the guards at the Port Authority and catch the whiff of casual arrogance. Apart from the immediate story, the larger world has a fascinating texture that is hard to place. Is it steampunk? Science fiction? A period piece or alternate history? A modern setting with vintage trappings? It’s probably a combination of all these plus a number of unique ideas. Whatever it is, I simply like the idea of a world where a place like Ravenhallow can be modern and interconnected, yet isolated enough that it can suffer the problems that it has.
The Stitch in Time team obviously strove for classy production in all areas, and it shows. The character design is great, the sound design is super, and the background art is amazing. Take a look at the view of Ravenhollow in the title sequence, or the ship Sparrow bobbing in the dock next to the harbor district. One aspect of the production that is missed is the lack of voice acting which, along with some stiff character animation, makes the characters seem a little flat. I can hardly blame an indie team of two developers for not hiring a full voice cast, however.
Unsere Geschichte „Die Kinder von Rungholt“ aus dem Jahr 2006 ist bei MyComics.de wieder neu zu lesen! Viel Spaß!
Auf unserer Spin-Off-Seite Buddelfisch.de, Plattform für Webcomics, gibt es einige neue und einige immer noch laufende Serien zu lesen! Nicht verpassen!
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